Mommy-hued is a live, online group of support for mommas of color.
We have 8 week memberships to this special support group.
Membership gives you:
An instant network of support with other mommas of color.
Establishing with a therapist of color in your area (currently Florida only South Carolina coming soon!)
Lifetime connection to our members-only content and access to our Instagram community with special announcements.
Handwritten notes of encouragement from us.
Membership allows us to:
Provide you with a dedicated counselor of color uniquely equipped to help you walk into (and through) motherhood as a woman of color.
Provides you with the same group of mamas to connect with on a weekly basis. It's like creating an instant network of support!
Florida Mommas
Thursdays 8:30 pm EST
Mom-to-Mom is a live, online group of support for mommas in Florida, and Illinois.
We have 8 week memberships to this special support group.
Membership gives you:
An instant network of support with other mommas who know what you're living.
Establishing with a therapist in your area (currently Florida only. South Carolina coming soon!)
Handwritten notes of encouragement from us.
Membership allows us to:
Provide you with a dedicated counselor uniquely equipped to help you walk into (and through) motherhood.
Provides you with the same group of mamas to connect with on a weekly basis. It's like creating an instant network of support!